Tuesday, September 20, 2011


It seems like forever since I've posted, but it's only been a month. So many wonderful and sobering events have happened, too many to recount. So, I will suffice to say that I am still walking, biking or riding the bus to all of my destinations, with the exception of an occasional ride from a friend. Lately, I've been walking more when I have the opportunity; walking helps to clear my mind and lift my spirits and gets me closer to my destination. If I walk in the direction I'm heading, I can either walk the entire way, or catch the bus as it catches up with me. Either way, I feel as if I'm moving in the right direction and not just waiting; it works that way in life, too. We must keep moving toward our goals and aspirations, even if we make mistakes or take detours along the way, we need to keep moving and not waiting for someone or something to carry us.

In the time I've not posted, I've realized that this blog isn't just about being car-less or riding the bus. This journey started out as a way to help people see the alternatives to driving, but for me it has become so much more. Being without a car has helped me to realize my priorities and the ways I can navigate around challenges. It has also helped me to appreciate the value of simplicity and gratitude for the seemingly small things. I've realized that as my mother used to say, 'There's more than one way to skin a cat' meaning that with a little creativity and ingenuity, we can accomplish much more than originally thought.

So, here I am over a year without a car and I'm richer in many ways: financially I've saved money, I'm healthier because of walking and biking, and my mind is clear and focused on my priorities. For these things and more, I am grateful.

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